On the other hand, if I do decide to exact retribution at some point, it will now take me about ten minutes, from the information he has given me, to find out who he is and what his parents' home phone number is.
I love music and am so grateful that there are such talented people out there who can turn such beautiful word into music that can fill our souls with the spirit.
I do what i need to do for my family to help them have the best life possible, at this point i'm sobbing my eyes out in complete despair.
That response hit me to my very sole.
But then i think about how blessed i am to have such an amazing family.
I want to have rituals on the birthday and passing dates of Telaai.
Search for art you'll love! The overwhelming spirit and love that we were able to feel is truly to indescribable.
The next time we feel ourselves spinning out of control from the daily pressures of life, take a minute, take a breath and just slow down a little and remember who you are.
Description: I had finally come to the decision that it was time for Matt and I's marriage to come to a close about a week before our daughter was born.