I work at a few nightclubs and shoot the bull with transgenders and most of their client list are White Men This article is just trying to force men into a fake beef with Gay Blacks and Black Transgenders so White people can form a fake charity or non-profit to sharecrop money off of their pains while ignoring them.
Are the mental health medications, specifically the ones that affect prolactin a hormone beaten to death like a cat among mental health medications and possibly other hormones, manufactured with the goal of chemically creating she-males? In his 2007 book Imagining Transgender: An Ethnography of a Category, anthropologist David Valentine asserts that transgender was coined and used by activists to include many people who do not necessarily identify with the term and states that people who do not identify with the term transgender should not be included in the transgender spectrum.
Description: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.