Savannah, thanks for allowing our Fitness Gurls readers to know more about you! I think the key for me is spending as much time being active outside as possible.
What is the show about and how did you become involved? Super-fucking-hot nude rump and ample mounds on the naturist beach.
I grew up in rural Northern New Jersey.
Have you ever thought about competing in fitness competitions? What made you decide to enter pageantry or were you influenced by your family? Savannah Fox does ass-fuck in Point of view.
What are your staples in your fridge? What are your favorite reward meals? The only thing is I hate all that tanning crap you have to put on your body! She sings, she dances and she models… and boy does she model! With something to always look forward to, my mom and I could focus our energy on a positive rather than dwell on losing so much of our family.
What I do know is that God will lead me where I need to go like he always does.
I wish I could tell you what this year might bring, but to be completely honest, I have no idea.
Description: Savannah Fox does ass-fuck in Point of view.