He said that while she was eager to enrol in his language class, it was already over for the semester, so he offered to meet with her and teach her one-on-one.
Without those things, they become a liability and a burden.
What the hell did I bust my ass in college for? Hammerstrike It was healthy in the sense that it existed and children where born but it was always more words and wishfull thinking.
The current situation treats men like expendable worker drone.
The whores are just doing the evil inherent in female nature.
I have found though that working with female clients on their projects is a lot more tedious, aggregating, and time consuming, as opposed to my male clients that let me pretty much create whatever I feel fit.
Description: Men are the emotional sex, we crave stability in an unstable world, this is why men tend to be traditionally conservative after the age of 25.