Another comment he made out loud was that I shouldn't worry too much about my penis being so small, that it would grow out as I grew older and as I lost weight.
This was where things started to get kinda weird.
I wasn't really, of course, but that was how it felt.
I know for me, the touch of the nurse's hand on my tummy just at the waistband of my underpants made my manhood stiffen considerably.
Walking across the room in my bare knickers, that strange, disembodied sensation swept over me again, twice as strong as before.
Mom, I thought, had quite forgotten the whole cross-dressing incident after I apologised and told her I just wanted to see what it felt like to wear all those frilly clothes! I remember in 5th grade being taken to the nurse's office all of the students both boys and girls were to receive physical exams.
About the time I was 11, my mum and sister were going shopping and I was to be left alone for a few hours.
However, I was in no shape to enjoy it at the time.
I assured him that the other had also descended, as I had felt it myself previously in the scrotum.
Description: He asked us to breath deeply as he listened with a stethoscope.